A question I keep hearing, not only from others but I find myself asking that today.
It's a good thing to check in with yourself, I encourage it.
Sure you'll find out all the details if you read to the end, but I'll tell you this now.
Self care, healing, and perseverance.
So back to the question.
Why the recent slow down?
Did you know I found my talent in decor making as I escaped a several year domestic violence relationship? One that involved fleeing the state with someone who was arrested for unlawful imprisonment amongst other things. That's not the answer to the question but it is one of the many things I take time to heal.
That's the moment I realized bad things happen for me, not to me. To elaborate on that, from trauma came forth talent.
I will most always have a smile on my face when we cross paths at an event, a grocery store, a family gathering. This is because I truly am happy. But it doesn't mean the struggle isn't real for me. So without venting, here it is.
In the past 6 months I have snapped my neck, proper term is spasmodic torticolis; it happens yearly. I've also felt like 6 vertibrea were crushed just after shoveling gravel for 20 minutes... Could barely walk for a week. Then there was my ankle I twisted it walking.... wasn't even dancing or anything eventful 🙄
In between all of this and not sleeping good for 31 years, I do my best to live as richly in spirit & as full in my joy & be the light that shines....because my source of light was bright enough to remove me from the darkness. I shouldn't have these cards i am dealt, at least that's what I tell myself. I eat mainly organic everything, except the clean 15 on ewg....you know the fruits and veggies that are clean without an organic label. I consult multiple naturopaths after being to a decades worth of " specialists" about having scoliosis, subluxation, osteoporosis, and lymes disease. So in my journey, I realized that by eliminating my food intolerance a lot of problems dissipated. Thanks to my local Naturopathic Doctor. I dont drink alcohol, my friends rejuvenate me, im active and take only the finest quality and necessary supplements. I use and harvest many plants and mushrooms medicinally. I am currently growing my own organic garden. All of these things contributed to being significantly healthier than ten years ago where it all started.
I choose to spend what time I have available ,after spurts of healing, enjoying life and spreading the love of God. 👈 the answer
So when you tell of your aches and pains, I hear you. I genuinely have empathy for you.
What this all means for you.
Perhaps my decor and other creations may grow in value due to its limited production and unique display of nature art. This may add to your excitement when you plan to attend the one and only event of a year I do vs 5 previously. Maybe now you see more of a sense of compassion in which is relatable, a trustworthy one.
To create, was one of the first most valuable tools I've ever had for expression of self with no limitations. I will pursue this passion for as long as my spine of a 84 year old decides to meet me at 31 haha I have chosen to create my own collection as I slowed down in the making.
I have hope for healing, as for now I smile as much as I can and raise a wonderful son.
There will be more art decor. Patience is a virtue I hear.